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  • Classes/camps are filled on a first-come, first served basis.
  • Please note that no student’s space will be held without FULL PAYMENT of class tuition.
  • Credit card payments (VISA, AX, MC, DISC) are accepted and are automatically deposited and cannot be used to hold a space until cash or check payments are delivered.
  • Online or card payments may be subject to a 4% processing fee.
  • Registrations are accepted via the website or phone with a credit card. You may register in person at the Cultural Center’s registration office Monday - Friday, 10:00am - 4:00pm.


Master artist workshop participants have the option to make a $50 deposit to hold their spot. Deposits are non-refundable. Deposits can only be made by phone or in the office. Payment for the remainder of workshop tuition will be scheduled to automatically process 60 days prior to the workshop. It is the student's responsibility to amend payment method or withdraw from workshop/cancel payment before 60 days prior to the workshop.


  • Students must attend the first class of each session and should arrive on time, in order to receive the full classroom learning experience.
  • Any unregistered party, including children, friends, and family, will not be permitted in the classroom and may be asked to leave.
  • Respect your instructors’ time. Instructors are not required to assist you outside of classroom hours. Any effort to do so is out of your instructor’s own generosity and is not a First Coast Cultural Center benefit.
  • Please make sure to tidy up your space after your class. This includes wiping up any paint, pastel or clay. Anything you may leave behind is not the responsibility of the instructor or First Coast Cultural Center.
  • Treat all instructors, students, and staff with integrity. Threats and bullying will NEVER be permitted at First Coast Cultural Center.
  • Please be mindful of the time, as the studio is shared working space. Classes are sometimes scheduled back to back. Please make sure to clean up and leave the space in a timely manner after class.
  • Your instructor or facilitator might arrive before class in preparation for the lesson or demo of the day. Please be respectful of their time before class and allow them this time to set up the space. They will address questions once class begins.


  • First Coast Cultural Center reserves the right to cancel any class, workshop, event, webinar, or camp due to insufficient enrollment, inclement weather, natural catastrophes, and health related issues.
  • Full refunds are issued for any class, workshop, event, webinar, or camp if cancelled by First Coast Cultural Center.
  • We make every effort to notify patrons of postponements and cancellations at least 24 hours before the first scheduled class.
  • Dates and times are subject to change as necessary.
  • First Coast Cultural Center may elect to postpone any class, workshop, event, webinar, or camp in order to accept additional registrations to meet minimum enrollment requirements. 


  • Due to limited space and scheduling, we are unable to offer refunds, effective July 1, 2018. ALL PROGRAMS ARE NON-REFUNDABLE.
  • No transfers will be processed for requests made less than 14 days prior to any class, workshop, event, webinar, or camp.
  • To transfer from a class, workshop, event, webinar, or camp and reapply original payment, requests must be made 14 days prior to the original program. The $15 transfer fee will be deducted from all transfers. The participant will need to pay any difference in price in order to reserve a space in the new class, workshop, event, webinar or camp. Transfers may also be applied to membership fees.
  • Deposits made for adult workshops are non-refundable.



  • Make-up classes are available for classes canceled by the Center but are not available for missed classes.
  • For those who travel frequently, we have added a drop-in program for a selected number of classes, call 904-280-0614 x1206 for more information.


  • We do not provide supervision of children before or after classes or camps. We ask that you arrive promptly to all programs and do not leave children unattended.
  • No supervised aftercare is offered - a late fee of $1 per minute will be assessed to families picking up late.
  • First Coast Cultural Center reserves the right to substitute instructors when necessary.
  • First Coast Cultural Center designs class curriculum for specific age ranges. These age limits must be respected.
  • First Coast Cultural Center reserves the right to withdraw a child for inappropriate behavior or falsifying registration information (age, medical information, etc).
    No refunds will be given for withdrawals.
  • Youth Arts participants are required to wear closed-toe shoes and are recommended to dress-for-mess. First Coast Cultural Center will not replace stained clothing or shoes.
  • Youth Arts participant registrations must include thorough and accurate information to ensure the safety of campers.
  • Youth Arts participants will need at least two emergency contact numbers.


First Coast Cultural Center offers sponsored, need-based, sliding-scale scholarships for youth programs. Information and assistance can be requested by emailing programs@firstcoastculturalcenter.org. First Coast Cultural Center requires a letter of confirmation from an unrelated individual that is familiar with the situation. Some examples of individuals who can confirm the situation include a minister, counselor, accountant, lawyer, student’s principal, or social worker.


First Coast Cultural Center periodically takes photographs during classes, camps, and special functions at our facility. These photos are for promotional use and may be published in area newspapers, magazines, and Cultural Center publications. By being present during these activities, you consent to the use of your appearance in the above-mentioned periodicals.

Students may use the First Coast Cultural Center color copier to make copies of images for use in classes, when the printer is available. Access to the printer is not guaranteed.

6000B Sawgrass Village Circle
Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida 32082 
Phone: (904) 280-0614

6000B Sawgrass Village Circle,
Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082

Gallery Hours

Monday - Friday
10:00am - 4:00pm
(After Hour Appointments Available)


FCCC Links

facebook  instagram   calendar   email

Gallery Hours
Tuesday - Friday
10:00am - 4:00pm
(After Hour Appointments Available)

FCCC Links

facebook  instagram    email

First Coast Cultural Center is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization with tax ID #59-3238148

First Coast Cultural Center
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